The TRUTH Behind Aircraft Safety: Everything You NEED To Know! | John Cox

In this episode, we sit down with John Cox, CEO at Safety Operating Systems to talk about all things aircraft safety! 

Worried about the buzz surrounding aircraft accidents in 2025? People like John Cox have a massive role to play in why air travel has never been safer!

We tackle everything you need to know about how aircrafts operate at such high safety levels, why accidents are so rare, emergency response planning, SMSs, growing airspace technology, the mental health and safety culture in aviation and much more!

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This is a Kilo Bravo Media production produced by Rainbow Creative with Kate Middleton, Jason Middleton, and Matthew Jones as Executive Producers, Jeremiah Schutlz as Video and Audio Editor, Evan Weidenkeller as Director of Photography and Jacob Richman as Social Media Manager.

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